Our Impact

We are part of an international network that seeks to create economic systems change through standards, policies, tools, and programs for business, and certifies companies — known as B Corps — who are leading the way.

2023 Annual Report

Just like we expect Certified B Corporations to improve continually, B Lab Europe is constantly exploring how we need to evolve and adapt based on valuable stakeholder feedback, the rapidly changing business and political landscape, and the urgency of the social and environmental crises we are experiencing.

Annual Reports

Learn more about how B Lab Europe makes a positive impact each year, mobilizing the B Corp movement in Europe.

2023 Annual Report

2023 marked a year of transformative growth with B Corps committed to being better businesses—prioritizing purpose alongside profit—continuing to inspire and lead a meaningful change within their own organizations, while setting a powerful example for businesses globally.

2022 Annual Report

Our Annual Report allows us to look back and reflect on what we have achieved collectively in 2022, be transparent about our impact, and share the inspiring stories of Certified B Corporations that used business as a force for good.

2023 Annual Report

Financial Reports

To provide insight into the development of the financial position of the organization, please take a look at our financial reports.

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