Interested in partnering?

Collaborating to innovate, share resources, and drive forward economic systems change is key to achieving our mission. Do you work with a standards organization, NGO, foundation, or other initiative that is interested in a collaboration with B Lab? Get in touch! 

european b corp summit 2019

Importance of collaboration

B Lab has partnerships at local, national, and regional levels with a wide range of stakeholders, including private sector, civil society, and NGO networks; public bodies and policy makers; other certification or ethical labelling bodies; multi-stakeholder initiatives and alliances; and academic institutions.

These collaborations are aimed at inspiring best practice amongst businesses, sharing insights and learnings, building and strengthening our standards and impact management platforms, engaging with governments and policymakers to advocate for shared policy goals, driving public awareness and consumer behavior change, and more. 

Global partners

While this list is not exhaustive, below are key highlights of some of our current collaboration efforts, both new and longstanding.

Global Reporting Initiative

B Lab Europe partners

Collaborations across Europe

From building new programs for businesses to campaigning and advocating for changes in local legislation, partnerships have been crucial to scaling our efforts and unlocking opportunities to reach new audiences and maximize our impact across the region.

Find out more about our partnerships in each country by visiting our local team pages.

european b corp summit 2019

Get in touch!

Whether you work with a standards organization, NGO, foundation, academia or other initiative, we want to hear from you! Please get in touch to explore possibilities.


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