B Corps Can Now Use AI to Share Their Impact Journey

B Corp Certification is the start of a journey of continuous impact improvement. Certified B Corporations™ can now use an AI tool called Journey Pal to highlight their positive impact in the new Journey of Doing campaign.
AI tool for B Corps to share their impact journey

Amsterdam. November 28, 2023. Over 7,700 companies have celebrated achieving B Corp certification across the world, meeting high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. But achieving certification is just the beginning of their impact journey – companies use B Lab’s impact assessment framework to identify the areas they are performing well in, and where they can improve as they work towards recertification every three years. 

To highlight the hard work that often happens behind the scenes and inspire more businesses across sectors to take action, B Lab Europe partnered with award-winning German B Corp &why to develop an evergreen toolkit and custom AI tool programmed using ChatGPT to invite B Corps to share their continuous impact improvement. This includes raising awareness about Impact Business Models (IBMs), which are specific ways in which companies are generating a positive impact for their stakeholders through their business operations, and other big achievements such as recertification. But it also invites companies to share their goals as well as be transparent about the learnings they have had along the way.

Under the theme of “The Journey of Doing,” B Corps share the actions they are taking to benefit all across each of the five impact areas assessed by B Lab: workers, environment, customers, community, and community. Recognizing that every business is at a different stage of their impact journey and focused on addressing different issues, the visual identity of the campaign allows every B Corp to generate their own unique badge (with the support of the Journey Pal AI tool) and highlight their impact across channels, from impact reports to social media. 

Alexander Dohr

CCO & Partner at &why (Certified B Corp)

As a Certified B Corp, this challenge resonated deeply with us. The idea of the journey perfectly sums up what being a B Corp feels like. The design system we developed together celebrates the thousands of unique journeys and diverse viewpoints that make the B Corp community so thrilling. The Journey Pal, built on generative AI, started as a courageous idea between us and the B Lab Europe team and now solves many challenges we saw users face in the reflection process. Now we’re excited to release it and the journey that follows.

B Corps and other businesses looking to improve their own impact can turn to the Improve Your Impact page on B Lab Europe’s website, filled with resources to help inspire, educate, and enable businesses looking to implement a new Impact Business Model or significantly improve their impact ahead of their next recertification.

Maria Correa

Head of Communications and Community Engagement at B Lab Europe

Becoming a B Corp is about committing to continuous improvement, demonstrating the actions a business is actually doing to make a difference. And with thousands of companies who have the same goals, you create a sense of community where businesses can exchange best practices and learn from each other – which is one of the things that sets the B Corp Movement apart. We wanted to develop a creative platform that enables more companies to share their stories

Learn more about impact improvement, get inspired by case studies of Certified B Corps, and start improving the impact of your own business! Visit our Improve Your Impact page!