
Presentation of “Ser Empresa B Corp en España” in Barcelona

The book Ser Empresa B Corp en España in Spain arrives! Inspiring another way of doing business that is more responsible and sustainable with local references.
B Lab Spain Book Presentation

“Uniting the experiential knowledge of those who lead with purpose to methodology and rigor makes this initiative of the B corp movement the essential tool to inspire the business leaders that we so need.” – Belén Viloria,Ser Empresa B Corp en España. pg xiii

Ser Empresa B Corp en España arrives , the practical guide promoted by the B Corp movement and B Academics Spain to disseminate from the classrooms another way of doing business that is more responsible and sustainable through 11 success stories from national companies.


To this day, shareholder primacy has been a guiding principle when teaching Business Administration. Consequently, the economy has grown exponentially, but it has done so at the expense of the environment and the most vulnerable communities. Educational institutions can play a central role in making visible another way of doing business and redefining the social function of companies. It is essential to provide the knowledge and tools so that the business leaders of the future can build companies that put people and the planet first.


This presentation is an opportunity to learn more about the value of the B Corp Movement and how it is transforming business as usual. We will also explore how, through this book, educational institutions can go beyond learning as usual , enriching students’ critical perspective on the role of the company. Finally, you will be able to get in touch with B Academics Spain, the academic community in Spain that accelerates business transformation through the study of the B Corp Movement.

Do not miss it!

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