B Corp Certification as a Collaborative Effort
In the late summer of 2022, Zentek founded a B Corp team with employees from different departments – Sustainability Management, Sales, HR, Finance, Quality Management, Legal, Marketing, Design, and Management – which met regularly to reflect on, question, and optimize the approach of dealing with the B Impact Assessment. The B Impact Assessment (BIA) is a free, confidential platform designed to help measure and manage a company’s positive impact on its workers, community, customers, and the environment. Every business striving for B Corp Certification is required to complete a verified assessment. From day one, Zentek believed that the huge topic of corporate sustainability should not be addressed solely by sustainability managers but requires the broadest possible discussion and, therefore, a wide variety of departments to be represented in their B Corp team.
The team opted for agile process management based on Scrum and progressed in sprints. From today’s point of view, the members are convinced that this structured approach to becoming a B Corp and the insightful retrospectives that showed them how to achieve their goals better and faster were crucial. Looking back, the team remembers how they were slightly overwhelmed by the variety and depth of the topics after the first few weeks of dealing with the B Impact Assessment and had only taken small steps forward up to that point, which had a sobering effect. Big to-dos needed to be broken down into smaller tasks. The whole process meant diving deep into the company’s impact and involving as many other colleagues as possible.
Although Zentek had already been communicating regularly internally and externally about its progress in the certification process since day one, making B Corp a joint task that all employees could be a part of became the new focus. Instead of thinking about and prescribing necessary changes only at the management level (top-down), all colleagues should be able to help shape the changes themselves (bottom-up). Consequently, this meant taking away everyone’s fear of the complexity of B Corp, preparing content and topics step by step, and presenting them in as concrete a way as possible. It did not take long until the team felt confirmed in their strategy by seeing that they were able to complete significantly more tasks in a sprint than before.