
Are you interested in connecting with the B Corp community? The European network organizes conferences, talks, training, and webinars on different topics to update, engage and educate on the movement and its initiatives.

Upcoming events

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B Lab Spain Webinar BIA

B Lab Spain: Monthly BIA Webinar

The Webinar will explain the B Corp movement, the certification process and the B Impact Assessment, and the value of certification.  

Webinar - Certificazione B Corp & B Impact Assessment

B Lab Italy: Monthly Webinar - Certificazione B Corp & B Impact Assessment

During the webinar B Lab Italy will talk about the B Corp movement, the B Impact Assessment tool and the next steps towards B Corp certification.

B Lab Benelux: Introduction Mensuelle au B Impact Assessment et la Certification B Corp

Join us for our webinar on the B Impact Assessment in French! The B Lab Benelux team will present the B Corp movement, B Corp certification, and answer all your questions about our impact assessment tool, accessible free of charge, online.

21 May

B Lab Benelux: B Corp Crash Course

The B Corp movement is growing. B Corp are businesses that make a positive contribution to society, balancing their profits with benefits for society and the environment. Do you want to actively contribute to a changing world, and you are unsure about how to go about it? Participate in this short webinar to help you start your impact journey with the B Corp movement.

10 May

B Lab Portugal | Honest communication bootcamp for B Corps

BRUTAL honesty by Felicidad Collective, from B Lab Portugal. A bootcamp on the power of honest communication.

Past events and webinars

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24 Apr

B Impact Assessment Webinar | April 2024

Join us for another B Impact Assessment Webinar together with other pioneers and leaders seeking to use their businesses as a force for good. The B Lab Europe Markets Development team will be there to introduce you to the B Corp movement and answer all your questions.

8 Apr

B Corp Crash Course: Tous les essentiels en 30 minutes

Le mouvement B Corp est en pleine expansion. Les B Corp sont des entreprises qui apportent une contribution positive à la société, en équilibrant leurs profits avec des bénéfices pour la société et l'environnement. Vous souhaitez contribuer activement à un monde en évolution, et vous hésitez sur la manière de vous y prendre?

6 Feb
Nordics Event

To B or not to B

Calling all impact-driven companies in Sweden! Are you interested in the B Corp movement and curious to learn what it takes to become B Corp certified? Then join us for our To B or Not to B event in Stockholm on February 6th 2024

25 Jan
Webinar - Certificazione B Corp & B Impact Assessment

Webinar - Certificazione B Corp & B Impact Assessment | gennaio

During the webinar we will talk about the B Corp movement, the B Impact Assessment tool and the next steps towards B Corp certification.

26 Mar

Introduction au B Impact Assessment et la Certification B Corp

Joignez-vous au pour le premier webinaire sur le B Impact Assessment en Français!

1 Feb

Launch Event: Business for a Better Tomorrow

Join us to raise the voice of entrepreneurs committed to the ecological and social transition in Europe!

20 Dec

Open Office Hour - B Impact Assessment | December

In this Open Office Hours, you can ask how B Lab's B Impact Assessment can be used to measure and improve a company's impact across different areas

20 Dec

B Impact Assessment Webinar | December

In this webinar you will learn how B Lab's B Impact Assessment can be used to measure and improve a company's impact across different areas

13 Dec
Review Process Insights Nordics

Review Process Insights | December

You just submitted the B Impact Assessment but now what? This webinar is the answer!

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