
How to become a B Corp

You too can become a B Corp with your company and show your employees and customers that you genuinely make a difference. On October 12th we organize a mini-conference in which you can get acquainted with entrepreneurs who are B Corp certified. They share their experiences and help you through the assessment together with B Lab. Then sign up quickly. We can accommodate 40 people.
How to Become a B Corp

B Corp is the most valued international assessment in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. The only fundamental method of certification in which not a product or service but the entire organization is tested for sustainability. Certified B Corps, such as Patagonia, Ben & Jerry’s, Auping and Tony’s Chocolonely are committed to value creation rather than mere profit maximization.

You too can become a B Corp with your company and show your employees and customers that you genuinely make a difference. On October 12th we organize a mini-conference in which you can get acquainted with entrepreneurs who are B Corp certified. They share their experiences and help you through the assessment together with B Lab. Then sign up quickly. We can accommodate 40 people.

3.30 pm: Welcome
16.00: Being a B Corp: Greentom, Vebego Participatie and Viastory
4.30pm: Becoming a B Corp: Business Impact Assessment
5.30 pm: Closing drinks

Practical information
Registration: (max. 2 people per organization)
Location: Viastory Creative Agency – Avenue Ceramique 220, Maastricht
Admission: Free

This event is organized by B Corps Limburg & Brabant (NL/BE)

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